Today, I re-potted my kale, Thai hot peppers and Sweet Thai basil seedlings. They had outgrown their little seedling cells. The kale and peppers were started on February 16, the basil on March 1.

I also started more seedlings: Siam Queen Thai basil (6 cells), Italian basil, Clemson Spineless okra (6) and 6 cells each Merlot lettuce, Allstar Gourmet lettuce mix (Johnny’s), and Salanova green butterhead lettuce (Johnny’s), plus more flowers: Crackerjack mixed marigold (12), Oriental Nights Alyssum (6) and Tall Double Mix strawflower (6). It is my first time growing okra. The okra and flowers are for the communal bed, but I may keep an okra plant or two as they are just so beautiful (even though I am not particularly fond of eating them).

Your potted seedlings look rearing to go! And that’s a lot of lettuce varieties. Do I remember you saying the different kinds have staggered harvesting tim?
The staggering referred mainly to my tomato seedlings. I have early, mid-season and late tomatoes, which means I harvest from late July through November. The lettuces are different head and leaf lettuces, some of which I will pick young as baby lettuces (leaf), and some I will grow out big (head), so there is some staggering there as well.