Posts Index

Welcome to my Posts Index. It displays a list of posts grouped by year and month.

March 2025

  1. 26: Signs of Spring in the Garden
  2. 25: Repotting Seedlings and More Seed Starting
  3. 22: Gardeners’ Gathering
  4. 17: Early Spring
  5. 16: Starting Tomatoes
  6. 09: Anticipation
  7. 01: Progress and More Sowing

February 2025

  1. 16: Setting up the Grow Lights …
  2. 09: And so it Begins – Leeks and Ginger

December 2024

  1. 31: 2024 in Review
  2. 27: Focaccia Across the Seasons
  3. 25: Preserving
  4. 21: Winter Solstice Garden
  5. 05: Winter Kale

November 2024

  1. 16: November Plot
  2. 13: Overwintering Dahlias
  3. 12: Last Swiss Chard
  4. 11: Planting Spring Bulbs
  5. 08: Fall Clean-up and Planting Garlic
  6. 08: November Harvest
  7. 05: Roasted Green Tomato Salsa
  8. 04: Back Porch Semi-Cleanup
  9. 03: Fall Still Life
  10. 03: Fall Work Day

October 2024

  1. 30: Pickled Green Tomatoes
  2. 28: Fall Mini-Bouquet Perfection
  3. 27: Late October Plot
  4. 27: Late October Harvest
  5. 27: Ginger
  6. 21: October Flowers

September 2024

  1. 24: September
  2. 15: Thai Hot Sauce
  3. 11: More Fall Sowing
  4. 09: Porch Update
  5. 09: (More) Thai Basil Pesto
  6. 03: Early September Harvest

August 2024

  1. 25: Fall Squash and Fall Sowing
  2. 25: Today’s Harvest
  3. 16: August Garden Plot
  4. 14: August Tomatoes
  5. 13: Mid-August
  6. 11: Sowing for Fall Harvest
  7. 06: First Green Zebra Tomatoes!
  8. 05: Zucchini
  9. 03: Zinnias
  10. 02: Today’s Harvest
  11. 02: Thai Basil Pesto

July 2024

  1. 28: July Porch Update
  2. 28: Hardneck Garlic
  3. 22: First Tomatoes
  4. 20: Garlic Braid
  5. 19: July Update
  6. 15: July Flowers
  7. 11: Herbs and Flowers
  8. 07: Garlic Harvest 2024
  9. 07: First Zucchini
  10. 04: First Mini-Bouquet
  11. 02: Garden Plot Clean-Up

June 2024

  1. 30: Communal Garden Bed Progress
  2. 28: Red Currants
  3. 22: Midsummer Plot
  4. 20: First Day of Summer
  5. 20: June Harvests

May 2024

  1. 31: Sowing, Staking and First Harvests
  2. 27: Planting the Outside Bed
  3. 27: Planting My Plot
  4. 18: Front Porch Preparation
  5. 14: Mid-May Back Porch
  6. 03: Spring Preparation

April 2024

  1. 29: Re-Potting Zinnias and Kale
  2. 22: Re-Potting
  3. 20: Thinning Swiss Chard

March 2024

  1. 28: First Fails of the Season
  2. 26: Last Squash
  3. 17: Garden Plot 2024
  4. 17: Mid-March in the Garden Plot
  5. 11: Seedlings

February 2024

  1. 25: New Seeds
  2. 16: An Overnight Dusting
  3. 12: Company

January 2024

  1. 31: New Beginnings
  2. 20: January
  3. 17: Planning

December 2023

  1. 30: 2023 in Review

November 2023

  1. 18: Hay There!
  2. 08: Getting Ready for Winter
  3. 04: Planting Garlic and Shallots
  4. 04: Back Porch Clean-Up

October 2023

  1. 31: Winter Squash
  2. 31: Fall Sandwiches with Fresh and Pickled Garden Vegetables
  3. 16: Fall Mini-Bouquet
  4. 16: October
  5. 14: Lemongrass
  6. 12: Pickled Green Tomatoes
  7. 01: Fall

September 2023

  1. 16: Basil “Pesto”

August 2023

  1. 30: Striped German
  2. 23: Tomato Season
  3. 13: Today’s Harvest
  4. 05: First Tomato Harvest

July 2023

  1. 31: Evening Porch
  2. 30: Processing the 2023 Garlic
  3. 30: Today’s Harvest
  4. 28: Today’s Harvest
  5. 22: Refrigerator Pickles
  6. 20: Mid-July Harvest
  7. 20: Night and Day
  8. 19: Zucchini
  9. 14: This Year’s Plot Plan
  10. 14: Porch Update
  11. 12: Preserving Parsley, Italian Basil and Thai Basil
  12. 12: First Eggplant and Planting Beans
  13. 12: Garlic Harvest 2023
  14. 05: Red Currant Season
  15. 01: First of July

June 2023

  1. 22: Pea Season
  2. 20: Cilantro
  3. 18: Garlic Scape Pesto
  4. 17: Lemongrass
  5. 14: Shades of Green
  6. 12: June Colors
  7. 06: Fully Planted

May 2023

  1. 31: Tomatoes Are in the Ground
  2. 07: First Transplants
  3. 03: Seedlings Inventory and Starting Cucumbers & Squash

April 2023

  1. 20: Seedlings Update

March 2023

  1. 30: Early Spring Plantings
  2. 26: Porch Radishes and Lettuce Starts
  3. 18: News from the Garden Plot
  4. 11: Sowing Tomatoes
  5. 03: More Sowing

February 2023

  1. 19: Leek Babies
  2. 19: Eggplants and Hot Peppers
  3. 12: Beginning of the Season

December 2022

  1. 31: 2022 in Review

November 2022

  1. 18: Ready for Winter
  2. 12: November Harvest
  3. 12: November Clean-Up
  4. 10: Pickled Green Tomatoes
  5. 06: Planting Garlic
  6. 06: Last Tomatoes
  7. 05: Warm November
  8. 02: October Harvests

October 2022

  1. 24: Back Porch Cleanup and Tulip Planting

September 2022

  1. 28: Simple Fall Decor
  2. 28: Glass Gem Corn
  3. 26: Late September Harvest
  4. 26: Oh Rats …
  5. 20: Anticipation
  6. 14: Green Beans and Flowers
  7. 05: Late Summer Flowers
  8. 03: Early September

August 2022

  1. 23: Tomato Rainbow
  2. 20: Today’s Harvest
  3. 20: More Slow-Roasted Tomatoes and Basil Pesto
  4. 17: Garden Plot in Mid-August
  5. 16: Ananas Noire
  6. 15: Today’s Harvest
  7. 13: Tomatoes
  8. 11: Preserving
  9. 11: Garlic 2022
  10. 07: Summer Sowing for Fall Harvest
  11. 06: Early August Cleanup

July 2022

  1. 28: Late July Update
  2. 23: First Micro Bouquet of the Summer
  3. 22: Thai Basil Pesto
  4. 21: “Garden” Salad
  5. 19: First Tomatoes
  6. 15: Pesto Time
  7. 12: Garlic Harvest

June 2022

  1. 26: Red Currant Jam
  2. 14: June Lunch
  3. 14: Porch Update Early June
  4. 14: Peas and Scapes
  5. 05: Planting Flowers and Corn

May 2022

  1. 31: Garden Plot 2022
  2. 31: Planting the Last Seedlings
  3. 29: Planting Tomatoes
  4. 18: When You Don’t Go to the Garden in Three Days …
  5. 16: Seedlings
  6. 16: Porch Arugula
  7. 06: Spring

April 2022

  1. 25: Spring Planting and First Harvest
  2. 23: Repotting
  3. 08: Early April Seedlings
  4. 08: First Direct Sowing
  5. 07: Porch Dreams
  6. 04: Reseeding Tomatoes

March 2022

  1. 28: Garden Plot in Early Spring
  2. 24: Starting Tomatoes
  3. 20: Reseeding
  4. 06: Start of the Season

February 2022

  1. 23: The Garden Still Feeds Us Through the Winter

January 2022

  1. 28: Eating from the Garden in January – Part Two
  2. 16: Eating from the Garden in January

December 2021

  1. 31: 2021 in Review

November 2021

  1. 25: Finishing up the Fall Cleanup
  2. 07: Planting Garlic
  3. 03: Winter Squash

October 2021

  1. 21: October Garden
  2. 19: More Glass Gem Corn
  3. 16: Thai Hot Sauce
  4. 05: Glass Gem Corn
  5. 05: October Harvest

September 2021

  1. 27: Early Fall Garden
  2. 07: Porch Update

August 2021

  1. 28: Late August Harvest
  2. 17: This Year’s Garlic
  3. 15: Fall Planting
  4. 13: Preserving – Thai Basil Pesto, Oven-Dried Tomatoes and Pickles
  5. 08: More tomatoes …
  6. 06: Today’s Harvest
  7. 06: Tomatoes

July 2021

  1. 31: First “Real” Tomatoes
  2. 31: Late July
  3. 27: Flowers
  4. 24: Mid-July
  5. 21: Garlic 2021
  6. 17: First Pickling Cucumber of the Season
  7. 14: Rain, Rain, Rain
  8. 05: Peas and Carrots

June 2021

  1. 22: Garlic Scape Pesto
  2. 18: Weeding and Harvesting
  3. 15: Spring Greens
  4. 10: Firsts of the Season
  5. 05: Porch Succession Planting
  6. 03: Leeks
  7. 03: Fully Planted

May 2021

  1. 23: Glass Gem Corn
  2. 21: May Harvest
  3. 20: Planting Tomatoes and Dahlias
  4. 18: Porch Planting
  5. 16: Hardening off Seedlings
  6. 16: Porch Harvest
  7. 08: Early May Harvest
  8. 08: Early May Planting
  9. 05: Seedlings Update
  10. 05: Porch Herbs

April 2021

  1. 27: More Transplanting and Reseeding
  2. 18: Transplanting
  3. 16: April Snow
  4. 15: Lettuce and More
  5. 07: Early April
  6. 04: Easter Sunday

March 2021

  1. 27: First Direct Sowing
  2. 24: Basil Seedlings
  3. 21: More Sowing
  4. 14: Seedlings
  5. 10: Porch Happenings

February 2021

  1. 28: And so it begins …
  2. 14: Mid-February

January 2021

  1. 30: Seeds
  2. 03: Eating from the Garden in January

December 2020

  1. 30: 2020 in Review
  2. 14: Winter Greens
  3. 06: December

November 2020

  1. 06: Fall Cleanup and Planting Garlic

October 2020

  1. 30: October Snow
  2. 27: Last Big Harvest
  3. 24: Mid-October
  4. 20: Apple Picking
  5. 18: Fall Harvest
  6. 18: Other People’s Plots
  7. 12: October 12
  8. 09: October in the Garden
  9. 07: Some Summer Dinners from the Garden – 2020
  10. 06: Roasted Tomatoes
  11. 04: October

September 2020

  1. 28: Late September Harvest
  2. 24: First Fall Harvests
  3. 13: Yesterday’s Harvest
  4. 08: September Colors
  5. 06: Dahlia
  6. 05: August Harvests

August 2020

  1. 31: Fall Planting
  2. 25: August Porch
  3. 25: Late Summer
  4. 22: Pickles
  5. 19: Mid-August
  6. 14: Braiding Garlic
  7. 11: Squash Babies
  8. 10: August Check-In
  9. 06: Summery Green …

July 2020

  1. 28: Perfect Imperfection
  2. 25: Mid-July Harvest
  3. 18: Garlic
  4. 11: First Cucumber
  5. 10: Summer
  6. 07: July Mini Bouquet
  7. 04: 4th of July
  8. 02: Early July

June 2020

  1. 25: June Harvest
  2. 23: Lettuce
  3. 13: Early June
  4. 10: Overwintered Onions
  5. 10: Early Summer Plantings
  6. 03: Porch Harvest Time

May 2020

  1. 31: Planting
  2. 24: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
  3. 11: Seedlings
  4. 06: Breakfast
  5. 01: Garden update

April 2020

  1. 25: Re-potting
  2. 18: Seedlings up close
  3. 12: Porch Updates
  4. 07: Seedlings

March 2020

  1. 27: Last and First
  2. 24: First Outdoor Sowing
  3. 22: Adjusting to Coronavirus
  4. 22: (Almost) blank canvas

December 2019

  1. 30: 2019 Review

November 2019

  1. 25: Fall Dinners
  2. 11: Winterizing
  3. 08: November
  4. 02: End of the Season

October 2019

  1. 29: Hay
  2. 29: Squash
  3. 26: Planting Bulbs
  4. 21: Garden Work Day
  5. 19: When to Harvest Butternut Squash
  6. 15: Fall in the Garden
  7. 09: Shallots
  8. 02: Roasted Tomatoes
  9. 01: October

September 2019

  1. 29: Today’s Harvest
  2. 25: End of September
  3. 23: Back Porch in the Fall
  4. 22: Vandalism
  5. 19: Beans
  6. 13: Second Harvest
  7. 13: Today’s Harvest
  8. 09: Early September

August 2019

  1. 24: Late August
  2. 22: Garlic 2019
  3. 20: Bountiful August
  4. 02: August Garden Plot
  5. 02: Garden Dinner

July 2019

  1. 29: Today’s Harvest
  2. 26: Summer Plot
  3. 26: Garlic Harvest
  4. 24: Back Porch Update
  5. 19: Squash and Beans
  6. 17: Garlic Scape Pesto
  7. 17: Mid-July
  8. 14: Summer Gardening
  9. 11: Firsts and Lasts
  10. 03: Today’s Harvest

June 2019

  1. 29: Midsummer Porch
  2. 29: Garden Dinner
  3. 25: More Dahlias
  4. 22: Lettuce
  5. 22: Spring Planting
  6. 16: Porch Update
  7. 15: Spring Greens
  8. 11: Spinach Frittata
  9. 10: Porch Arugula Fail
  10. 07: Peas and Lettuce
  11. 04: Today’s Harvest – Early June

May 2019

  1. 25: Thinning Arugula
  2. 24: (Trans)planting
  3. 24: Today’s Harvest
  4. 23: Porch Potatoes
  5. 18: More Seedlings
  6. 17: First Home-Grown Dinner
  7. 11: Spring Garden Day
  8. 11: First Harvest of the Year
  9. 07: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

April 2019

  1. 27: Late April
  2. 20: Tomato Seedlings
  3. 17: Backporch Tulips
  4. 08: Seed Potatoes

March 2019

  1. 31: Peas
  2. 24: Today in the Garden
  3. 16: Seed starting
  4. 15: March
  5. 09: Crop List 2019

February 2019

  1. 02: Garden Plans

January 2019

  1. 20: Gardening by Numbers
  2. 13: Year in Review

December 2018

  1. 22: December Harvest
  2. 21: Wreath
  3. 03: Advent

November 2018

  1. 25: Last Garden Tomatoes
  2. 22: Thanksgiving
  3. 14: Potato Leek Soup
  4. 11: Ready for Winter

October 2018

  1. 24: Back Porch Mini-Bouquet
  2. 22: Squash
  3. 20: Planting Garlic
  4. 17: Frost Warning
  5. 05: City Natives October Harvest

September 2018

  1. 30: Late September
  2. 24: Fall is Here
  3. 19: Mid-September
  4. 19: What?!
  5. 12: No More Cucumbers
  6. 11: Late Summer Still-Life
  7. 05: Basil
  8. 03: Rainbow Harvest

August 2018

  1. 30: Lunch
  2. 28: Garden Beauty
  3. 26: Tomatoes, Tomatoes
  4. 24: Monster Cuke
  5. 19: Potatoes
  6. 15: Volunteering
  7. 12: Four Days
  8. 03: Another Week of Summer Harvests
  9. 03: Tomatoes
  10. 01: Cucumbers

July 2018

  1. 30: Summer Green
  2. 29: Cured
  3. 23: Mid-July – a Week of Harvests
  4. 19: First Micro-Bouquet of the Season
  5. 19: First Cucumber of the Season
  6. 17: Rainy Day
  7. 15: Garlic Harvest
  8. 13: Mid-Summer Harvest
  9. 13: Garden Pizza

June 2018

  1. 27: Stock-Taking
  2. 21: Potato Flowers
  3. 17: Hay
  4. 09: Salad
  5. 01: Garden Day

May 2018

  1. 22: May plantings
  2. 18: Mid-May Harvest
  3. 18: Back Porch
  4. 05: First Harvest
  5. 04: Planting potatoes and back porch plans
  6. 02: Seedlings

April 2018

  1. 27: New Beginnings

January 2018

  1. 28: Eating from the garden in the middle of winter

November 2017

  1. 26: Leeks
  2. 11: Dahlias
  3. 09: First Night Frost
  4. 05: Planting Garlic

October 2017

  1. 29: Late October
  2. 08: October Harvest

August 2017

  1. 25: Volunteers
  2. 20: Late August Mini Garden Bouquet
  3. 14: Mid-August

July 2017

  1. 30: Garlic
  2. 29: Late July

June 2017

  1. 23: Friday Harvest
  2. 21: Rhubarb
  3. 19: Peas
  4. 01: Reds and Greens

May 2017

  1. 25: May

April 2017

  1. 08: Spring planting

November 2016

  1. 17: Mid-November

September 2016

  1. 11: Oh rats!
  2. 06: Potatoes

August 2016

  1. 27: Harvest

May 2016

  1. 23: Spring

April 2016

  1. 29: Planting
  2. 04: April Snow

March 2016

  1. 23: Soil
  2. 18: March in Boston
  3. 17: Seeds
  4. 14: Beginnings